Experienced, Knowledgeable, Authentic.

Tony Pulla: Northumberland’s real estate leader for more than 50 years, serving Cobourg, Port Hope, Grafton, Colborne, Brighton, Rice Lake, Campbellford, Warkworth, Trent Hills and beyond
Tony pulla headshot

A Message from Tony

If there is one thing I have learned after 51 years in real estate, it’s this: I am not simply helping people buy or sell a house. I am helping them make a major change in their life. For me, it’s both a privilege and an opportunity that I take very seriously.

There are as many different buyers and sellers as there are homes. Each person has an infinite array of wants and needs, from must-include basics to desirable particulars. It’s my job to always try and meet every one of my customer’s expectations. That, to me, is the essence of the real estate agent’s responsibility. Anything less is simply… well, unacceptable.

At your service,

Tony Pulla

Tony Pulla RE/MAX Career Awards
Circle of Legends
Individual Awards




2018 – 2015

2014 – 2003




0 +
properties successfully marketed (1995-2024)**
Years of Service
0 +
Loyal Clients


Countless friends, fans and partners

Pulla Team on Stairs

The Tony Pulla Team

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Contact Tony Pulla Today to make your next real estate experience a smooth and successful one in Northumberland County.

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Email Address


Contact Tony

905-373-1980 (Office)
905-377-5657 (Cell)
905-373-4804 (Fax)


1011 Elgin Street W, Cobourg, ON.